Below you will find a complete price list of grooming services by breed and service. If you do not see your dogs' breed or mix of breeds please refer to the pricing for the breed your dog most closely resembles in size and coat type.
Please keep in mind this list is a base price list and assumes the pets' coat is in good condition, there are no behavior issues, and your pets' size is close to breed standard.
The Fur Baby Facial
Treat your furry friend to our luxurious Fur Baby Facial!
This soothing treatment uses tearless, hypoallergenic shampoo enriched with silk protein and calming aromatherapy for deep cleansing and aromatic cuddles.
$5 (with package)
$10 (without package)
*The Amaretto** Enhance your pet's coat with our volumizing treatment! Using Almond Crisp shampoo followed by a Re-Moisturizing Conditioner, this treatment removes dirt and grime, leaving their coat looking full and vibrant.
Suitable for Poodles, Doodles, Schnauzers, Terriers, and more.
Give your pet a spa-like experience with our calming package. The Lav-n-Derm Shampoo, infused with lavender oil, helps reduce stress and address skin issues. Re-moisturizing conditioner soothes & nourishes your pup’s skin & coat.
Ideal for Anxious Pups & Sensitive Skin.
Want your pet's coat to shine? Our brightening package is the answer! The Aloe Bluing Shampoo & Remoisturizing Conditioner combo are a gentle, non-toxic combo that enhances color and moisturizes the skin, leaving their fur looking vibrant and healthy.
Designed For Black & White Coats.
Our skin soothing package features Derma-Treat, a trusted all-natural shampoo used by holistic doctors and professional groomers for over 20 years. Give your pet's skin the relief it deserves with our skin soothing package.
Offers Relief From Dry Skin, Hot Spots, Skin Irritations & More. $35
Experience the benefits of a thorough de-shedding! Nature’s Specialties EZ Shed Shampoo & Conditioner gently removes your pet's undercoat, helping to control shedding and keep your home cleaner.
For: Huskies, Shepherds, Retrievers & More. $40-$50* Size Dependent
Add a pop of color to your pet's coat!
For: unique and stylish looks.
$15 (tail OR Ears)
$25 (Tail & Ears)
$155+ (whole body)
Add a touch of whimsy to your pet's look with our feather accessories! $5 per feather
Shorter, smoother nails $12
Tooth brushing & antiseptic spray $10
Anal gland expression $10
Flea Shampoo for pets with unwanted hitchhikers $15-$40 size dependent